Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Little Lillian

This morning after I got AJ on the bus for school, I packed my camera bag for a road trip. I drove to New York to meet with Little Lillian and her beautiful mom, Angela. Even though our time was limited we got some great shots. Lillian was so alert and wanted to know exactly what was going on...lol. She finally fell asleep 5 minutes before I left and of course I already broke down my setup, but we did manage to get one of the sweetest sleeping shots by the Christmas tree. Take a look at some shots from today's session.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Gracie Girl

I've had the pleasure to photograph Gracie and her family multiple times. I always know I'm in for an exciting and fun day with good people whenever Grace's mom calls for an appointment. The last time I shot with Gracie she cried through the entire shoot, but we still got great images. This time Gracie was all smiles. Here is one from yesterday's shoot.