Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Fairies have come and gone...{New Jersey Child & Fairy Photographer}

Well Fairy Day is all done. To say I had a FANTASTIC time with all the little girls and one little boy (Hi William!!!) would be a gross understatement. I can't thank everyone enough for coming out on this beautiful day and playing dress-up with me. I'm off to do massive editing so I get get the gallerys online. Thank you Mom for making all the costumes. Thank you Nadine for being great photographer's assistants. Thank you Mary Ann for the lense. Thank you Harold for being so supportive when I was stressing about the set and other things. Thank you Jennifer for the beautiful headbands. Last but not least, thank you Bryanna for babysitting the boys.

It's been a long day but I plugged through to get a sneak peek for you all to see. Enjoy!!!

(click on the image to see a larger version)
We had six costumes but almost every little girl wanted to wear the yellow

Fairy Sessions are now available for private sessions with prices beginning at $200 for studio sessions and $300 for on location sessions.


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